Worried Sick To Worry Free

“Worry is like a rocking chair; it will give you something to do, but it won’t get you anywhere.” “Worry is pulling tomorrow’s clouds over today’s sunshine.” “Worry is the interest paid on trouble before it comes due.” Have you ever heard someone say, “I’m worried sick over . . .?” “Worried sick” may be more than a figure of speech. Worry is a sin that can literally make you sick. Consider all the

The Three-Fold Sin Of Society

We have lived to see the day when the people who spend millions to save two stranded whales will eagerly spend hundreds of millions to kill unborn human beings. How did we get to the place we are today? The book of Romans shedsgreat light on current conditions; the first chapter is most relevant in comprehending present-day atrocities. Humanizing God In the beginning God made man in His image, and

Wanted: Men Of God!

A Vision for Revived Male Leadership Years ago a businessman read a book titled, Men of God. He was so impressed with it that he wrote the Chicago publisher and ordered 125 copies. The publisher wrote back, “We are completely out of Men of God. Try Grand Rapids.” Chicago said they had no Men of God! Today we are not completely out of Godly men, but there is room for plenty more. The Psalmist prayed

Obesity: A National And Spiritual Crisis

The Road to Sodom One study stated that the majority of Americans are obese. This is not unique to our nation; they tell us obesity is a problem throughout Western civilization. Self indulgence and over indulgence are indications of a deeper, more fundamental problem. Ezekiel tells us that overeating was an issue in Sodom. Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread,

The Sixth Sense

Living Beyond the Natural! God has endowed mankind with five senses: seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, and smelling. With these five senses we negotiate the physical world. But the sixth sense is required to operate in the spiritual realm. This sixth sense is Faith. Faith is the only way man can relate to God. He that approaches God must believe that he is (Heb. 11:6). It is through faith that

Preparation For Revival

Abridged from a sermon delivered October 30, 1864 at the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington, England. As a church we have had our hearts set upon a revival in our midst. Many of us will be grievously disappointed if such a revival shall not take place. We have felt moved to cry for it. Already there are signs that God is visiting us in a very remarkable manner, but our souls are set upon a greater

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