Men’s Prayer Advance

Featured Speakers:

David Gibbs

Scott Pauley

Jeff Keaton

Worship Leaders:

Dan Vaughn and PA Team


Ed Mohr


Advance Moderators:

Harold Vaughan


Stephen Vaughan 

When is the Men's Prayer Advance?

January 23-25, 2025

Where is the Men's Prayer Advance?

Parkway Church On The Mountain
3645 Orange Ave NE
Roanoke, VA 24012

What is the Men's Prayer Advance?

Every Advance features heart-directed preaching, heart-felt congregational worship, and heart-to-heart fellowship. We have no axes to grind and no agendas to promote. Our singular purpose is a spiritual encounter with the living Christ.

This Year's Theme:

A missionary society in England wrote to missionary David Livingston and asked, “Have you found a good road to where you are in Africa? If so, we want to send other men to join you.” Livingstone wrote back, “If you have men who will come only if they know there is a good road, I don’t want them. I want men who will come if there is no road at all!

We need a generation of trailblazers who are eager to move up to the NEXT LEVEL. The writer of Hebrews exhorts us—'Leaving the first principles... let us go on to perfection (maturity)' (Heb. 6:1). To arrive at the NEXT LEVEL, you must leave your current position. To take higher ground, you must leave the lowlands.

A pioneering spirit is mandatory to fulfill the masculine mandate. Our culture, and many churches, in America have downplayed manliness. But Biblical men are aggressive. They take initiative. They don’t need to be spoon-fed, or hand-fed. They aggressively pursue Christ and His Kingdom cause.

To see a resurgence of biblical masculinity we must inspire, instruct, inspect, and ignite a holy flame among Christian men. And that is exactly what the Men’s Advance is designed to do!

Kindergarten is where we start, but it’s not where we want to stay! In terms of prayer, we must move on from the entry level of merely "asking.” It's time to explore NEW LEVELS of intercession: Pleading, Weeping, Fasting, Groaning, and Wrestling.  The crying need of this late hour is Godly men who are holy, empowered, and courageous in Kingdom enterprise.

Time is fleeting. Now is the time move up to the NEXT LEVEL.

Breakout Seminars & Themes

More Coming Soon...

Lodging and Meals

You are responsible for your own accommodations and meals. We recommend you secure lodging sooner rather than later.

Lodging Suggestions: 

  • Main Stay Suites @ Valley View ($85/nightly) - Click Here 
  • Best Western @ North Roanoke ($85/nightly) - Click Here (Closest)
  • Comfort Inn @ Valley View ($85/nightly - Click Here
  • Best Western @ Valley View ($85/nightly - Click Here

Tentative Schedule

(subject to change - see the Advance schedule given at check-in for actual times)

  • Thursday – 10am – 1:30pm – check-in
  • Thursday – 1:30pm – 5:00pm – Sessions
  • Thursday – 5:00pm – 7:00pm – Dinner (on your own)
  • Thursday – 7:00pm – Session
  • Friday – 8:45am – 12pm – Sessions
  • Friday – 12:00pm – 1:00pm – Lunch (on your own)
  • Friday – 1:45pm – 4:45pm - Sessions
  • Friday – 4:45pm – 7:00pm – Dinner (on your own)
  • Friday – 7:00pm – Session
  • Saturday – 8.45am – 11:30am – Sessions


"What a great weekend! Our 16 men were bonded together in open, honest, and God-filled hours of prayer!

"I got saved Friday night of the Men's Prayer Advance 2024!"

"Thank you for the Prayer Advance. It was convicting, challenging, and refreshing. I left better than when I came. Blessings! "

"This was my 21st Advance and this year was the best. Such a good spirit moving every session."

"Best Advance ever for me!!! God taught me so much!!"

"What an awesome Prayer Advance, I’m so glad nothing hindered me from being able to go this year. Your speakers were the best and I took quite a bit away from the meetings. I was truly blessed."

"Thank you for a great Prayer Advance . I call it a 'power wash for the soul'"

"Along with my Pastor I just attended my first Advance....Soul Shaking!!! for sure. 750 strong Christian men praising and glorifying our God whose presence abounded throughout. If a man didn't  leave lifted, renewed, informed and carrying a desire to be more Brother, you need to be checked for a pulse."

"The Advance has been such a help to our men. God has clearly spoken to all our hearts, and helped both of the men that came with me. The spiritual growth in the past 48 hours has been visible."