Life is all about seasons. Ecclesiastes Chapter 3 tells us there is a “season” (appointed occasion) for everything—“A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance…A time to get, and a time to lose…A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.”
Is Your Quiet Time Too Quiet?
After my conversion I heard many speak about their "quiet time." They were referring to their practice of withdrawing to a peaceful setting where they could read the Bible and pray. But the phrase "quiet time" always struck me as an odd way to describe devotions.
Holy Anger…The Missing Key In Repentance
How is it that many of us Christians are so incredibly slow when it comes to transforming our minds and actions? Why do we tend to stay “hung-up” instead of moving on? What is missing? I believe we have overlooked an essential ingredient in lasting change—HOLY ANGER. Not unrighteous anger, but holy indignation which is an essential element for lasting transformation.
Spirit-Less Christianity
Perhaps you, like me, have heard something like this, “Christian Evangelicals and Fundamentalists have erred by placing less emphasis on the Holy Spirit because the Charismatics and Pentecostals have taken that doctrine to great excesses.” When the fact of the matter is that most of us do not even think of Charismatics and Pentecostals very often and we think of the Holy Spirit even less. Indeed, we have erred because we have neglected the third Person of the Godhead.
My Depression Story – Part 2
As I wrote in my first article, I found several practical things very helpful and as I’ve I talked to other people in depression, many of these ideas and practices were helpful to them as well… God never promised it would be easy, enjoyable or short-lived, but He did promise He would bring you through. I promise you, I am nothing special. Since God brought me through my depression, He can bring you through yours as well. You just have to keep going and not give up no matter how difficult it seems.
My Depression Story – Part 1
A sense of overwhelming gloom, sadness and hopelessness, a complete loss of desire for anything good, no energy to the point of feeling too weak even to stand up, sleeplessness, loss of appetite, feelings of isolation, aloneness, guilt and condemnation –coupled with constant anxiety resulting in frequent panic attacks….Not exactly the desired testimony of a saved person who is living victorious in Christ but that was definitely my life for almost 4 years. Did I mention that my husband was a pastor?