Developing The Prayer Ministry In The Church

“My house of prayer…” - Is. 56:7 (Matt. 21:13, Mark 11:17, Luke 19:46) The Prayer Room It is quite common for churches to design special places on their property for special purposes. For example, a great deal of time and money can be invested in places to eat food or play ball. Often churches have been willing to spare nothing to furnish, decorate, and equip the new fellowship hall or gymnasium

The “Poverty Gospel”

Legion are those who properly lambaste the shameless “prophets of profit.” These charlatans beguile unsuspecting and gullible listeners by promising financial harvests to those who “plant a seed” by sending a donation to their organizations. Scripture speaks about “men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself” (1 Tim. 6:5). The dangers

Institutional Religion

Why Tradition-bound Churches are Lifeless In referring to tradition-bound churches, I am not alluding to congregations governed by biblical principles. Nor am I referring to those who take conservative stands. Rather, I am thinking about those whose customs and rituals are more revered than God Himself. Tradition-bound Churches Worship out of Habit “Tradition worshippers” derive a sense of well-being

Fire In The Pulpit!

Characteristics of Revival Preaching Revival Preaching is Visionary Revival men look beyond what is to what can be! God told Ezekiel to preach to a valley of dry bones and they were very dry. This man of God followed the Lord’s directives and saw a miraculous revival in a bone yard. He was more than an analyst, more than a diagnostician; he was a visionary. Jesus said, If thou canst believe, thou

Normalizing The Abnormal

How long can the Religious Right do wrong before there is nothing right about it? Many Evangelicals see their power as a “voting block” for conservative causes and candidates. Political clout at the ballot box is believed to be the only way to win the Culture War. Miss California (Carrie Prejean) is now enshrined as a “Christian celebrity” because of her positive comments about marriage consisting

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