Sodom In The Sanctuary Revisited…

The Coming Purge The public acceptance, celebration, and acceleration of homosexuality is staggering. It seems the President can hardly wait to praise athletes, or others, who come out of the closet. The general public repeatedly elects pro-gay politicians. Money trumps morality. Skin trumps sin. Regardless of ethnicity, people favor “race” over “grace.” Even many “conservative”...

The Pharisee Within…

A Solemn Warning Against Heartless Religion The Pharisees rejected Jesus because He did not fit in with their system. Jesus was all about the kingdom of God, which He referenced over fifty times. While the Pharisees claimed adherence to the Scriptures, they had essentially devolved into a kingdom of their own making. When Christ invited people...

Spiritual Inbreeding

Symptoms Of An Ingrown Church Every church and grouping of churches has strong points…and weak points. When a church ceases to grow in “grace and knowledge” it becomes ingrown. At this stage, congregations are subjected to a steady diet of slogans, mantras, rants, and a rehashing of pet doctrines/standards. Anything different is viewed with either...

Pride Versus Brokenness

Pride grieves God. Brokenness secures grace.                                 Pride sets you up for a fall. Brokenness prepares the way for God’s favor. Pride spawns competition. Brokenness builds community. Pride keeps you from praying. Brokenness causes you to pray. Pride blinds you to your wicked ways. Brokenness opens your eyes to your wicked ways. Pride keeps you from...

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