Your journey through earth is not a picnic, but a battle-ground. Spiritual Reality, while not always easy, is attainable. And though it is a never ending fight, the battle for Reality is a winnable war. Here are four requirements to live in VITAL REALITY.
Pot Night At Youth Group?
Okay. Now that more “Christian” Colleges have dropped the ban on alcohol and tobacco, what’s next? Anyone familiar with the Bible knows that drunkenness is condemned in the strongest of terms. Scripture plainly states that drunks don’t inherit the kingdom of God (see 1 Cor. 6:9-10). Drunkenness and abuse are condemned in both Testaments.
The Whole Gospel
Imbalanced preaching emphasizes your Depravity more than your Deliverance. It highlights your Vileness and scarcely references your Victory. Such preachers pound your Rottenness without mentioning you have Christ’s Righteousness. They hammer you from Mount Sinai, but seldom encourage you with the glory of Mount Calvary.
Change Your Attitude… Change Your Feelings
Many things in life are easy to like. I like my wife. I like our children, and their spouses. I like our grandchildren. I like my friends. I like what I do for a living. I like my 32 year-old bass boat. No effort is required on my part to like these people, and countless other things in my life. But NOT everything in life is “likable.” So how are we to respond to the unpleasant things which give birth to negative feelings?
Silencing the Prophetic Voice
There are two types of preaching: 1. Preaching that “whitewashes sin” by failing to call it out in plain terms. 2. Preaching that “washes sin white” by unmasking its deceitfulness and proclaiming Christ’s blood as its cure.
Complaining Affects Your Family
I was visiting at a close friend’s house and decided to treat the family to supper. It was a small town and so the options were limited. After talking about possibilities we decided on some ribs. The father of my friend especially loved ribs and I was excited about doing something for him. As we drove...