A Solemn Warning Against Heartless Religion The Pharisees rejected Jesus because He did not fit in with their system. Jesus was all about the kingdom of God, which He referenced over fifty times. While the Pharisees claimed adherence to the Scriptures, they had essentially devolved into a kingdom of their own making. When Christ invited people...
Author: Harold Vaughan
New Wine Needed…
And Wine Skins To Match Vintage skins are incompatible with fresh wine (Mat. 9:17). Crusty wine skins may contain their native juice, but not this year’s crop. Old skins would burst and the new wine would be wasted. Neither Pharisee-ism or Sadducee-ism could accommodate the dispensation of the Spirit. Those prevailing systems were antagonistic to...
Spiritual Inbreeding
Symptoms Of An Ingrown Church Every church and grouping of churches has strong points…and weak points. When a church ceases to grow in “grace and knowledge” it becomes ingrown. At this stage, congregations are subjected to a steady diet of slogans, mantras, rants, and a rehashing of pet doctrines/standards. Anything different is viewed with either...
Pride Versus Brokenness
Pride grieves God. Brokenness secures grace. Pride sets you up for a fall. Brokenness prepares the way for God’s favor. Pride spawns competition. Brokenness builds community. Pride keeps you from praying. Brokenness causes you to pray. Pride blinds you to your wicked ways. Brokenness opens your eyes to your wicked ways. Pride keeps you from...
Pioneering Spirit
The mission of the original Star Trek’s spaceship, Enterprise, was to “boldly go where no man had ever been before.” Star Trek was science fiction. But what we need in the non-fictional NOW is for young men and women to undertake what few are willing to do—PIONEER. A pioneer is one is who is...
Could You Feel At Home In The Early Church?
The church in the book of Acts had… No stained glass, no pews, no theatre seats, no baptismal tank, no church building… No hymnbooks, no piano, no organ, no choir, no praise band… No Sunday School, no PowerPoint, no drama team, no video clips… No bulletins, no Bibles in the home, no devotional books, no...