I was visiting at a close friend’s house and decided to treat the family to supper. It was a small town and so the options were limited. After talking about possibilities we decided on some ribs. The father of my friend especially loved ribs and I was excited about doing something for him. As we drove...
Author: Harold Vaughan
The Establishment…
The “establishment” consists of those who have risen to leadership positions within a group, organization, or governing body. Over time power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. This holds true in politics, religion, media, business, organized labor, and ecclesiastically.
How To Recover From Loss
There are seasons of LOSS that come to every life. Nobody lives on planet earth without losing some-THING, or some-ONE, at some point.
Killing The Prophets
Prophets were emergency men who spoke the heart of God into the people of God. In scripture, "prophesy" has two meanings: fore-telling the future, and forth-telling (speaking) into the present. Scripture states clearly, "Despise not prophesyings" (1 Thes. 5:20).
Surviving Dry Spells In Marriage
Every married couple experiences DRY SPELLS. It is not always matrimonial springtime—there are winter seasons as well. And these Dry Spells can affect your emotional and physical relationship. So how do you survive a Dry Spell?
Talk Yourself Out Of The Pit
You have got to stop listening to yourself. Of all the voices that can lead you astray, your own voice may be the deadliest. David was in the throes of depression when he SPOKE to himself—‘Why are you cast down o my soul’. He chose to STOP LISTENING to himself and STARTED TALKING to himself. David probed even deeper, ‘Soul—why are you in turmoil?’ He stopped listening to himself and did the opposite—he talked to himself. The worst advice you can get is the “self-talk” from your own downcast heart.