Your leadership role in your home deals with three distinct functions: Prophet, Priest, and Patriarch.
- You are a Prophet to GUARD your home.
- Your role as Priest is to GUIDE your home.
- You are a Patriarch to GOVERN your home.
God sent prophets to speak on His behalf to Israel throughout the Old Testament. Prophets were “emergency men” who warned the nation of the consequences of sinning against God. They were the “watchmen on the wall.” Not only did they foretell the future, they also read the spiritual barometer of the Israelites. They were keen to discern falseness and tendencies toward idolatry. These fearless men called out kings. Nathan pointed his boney finger in the face of David after his dalliance with Bathsheba. Prophets were the voice of God to the people in matters of compromise and holiness.
As the resident prophet in your home, you have multiple roles.
Prophets PROTECT
One aspect of Guarding your home is protecting it from evil influences. American culture is no friend to holiness! You must get your eyes wide open to what is happening in your family. Decisions about media inlets and intake are huge. Cell phones and internet have the potential to bring the culture of Sodom into the lives of your family. Our culture is literally saturated with depravity, and it is your responsibility to protect your wife and children.
The average male is this country has been feminized, socialized, and humanized to the point where he is incapable of acting. God’s call on your life is to make you a watch-dog, not a neutered Tom-cat! Husbands are not tyrants, but neither are they diplomats who make peace at any price. That kind of peace is temporary.
Make no mistake, you will never change that which you are willing to tolerate. You will protect that which you respect. When your heart is turned toward your family, you will take measures to insure their safety. You must set up guidelines and policies to protect your own heart, your wife’s heart, and your children.
Prophets PREDICT
Biblical prophets were those who understood “cause and effect.” They comprehended the spiritual dimension of sowing and reaping. Instinctively they knew that sin against God would bring judgment. Over and over we read how these men, who were jealous for the glory of God, foretold in the plainest terms the outcomes of rebellion. With pinpoint accuracy, they predicted the future in relation to choices of the moment.
“And Samuel spake unto all the house of Israel, saying, If ye do return unto the LORD with all your hearts, then put away the strange gods and Ashtaroth from among you, and prepare your hearts unto the LORD, and serve him only: and he will deliver you out of the hand of the Philistines” (1 Sam. 7:3).
Right choices bring blessing. Wrong choices always bring bad consequences. When an alarm bell sounds in your heart, you must take appropriate actions to avoid disaster. Pay special attention to the concerns of your wife. Often, she is keenly aware of things that may be oblivious to you. Talk often and in-depth with family members. “Tune in” to their wavelength. Listen to their hearts. God will give you wisdom when you cry out to Him (James 1:5).
One of your main goals should be getting and keeping the heart of your wife and children. The unseen bond of heart-fellowship will yield clues when “something is not right.” Discernment is never given so you can criticize, it is given so you can intercede, plead, strategize, and reason.
Prophets PURGE
God told Gideon to “Throw down the altar of Baal” and “Cut down the grove that is by it” (Judges 6:25). He was commissioned by God on the very night of his conversion to make a clean break with his father’s idolatry. Effective leaders never negotiate with error, they destroy it before it destroys them.
Jacob commanded his household, “Put away the strange gods that are among you, and be clean” (Gen. 35:2). It was not Baal and Jehovah—it was Jehovah OR Baal! Forget about the multicultural garbage being spued from today’s pulpits. There is no “hidden Christ” in Islam or Hinduism! Jesus is the ONLY way to the Father and He IS God. There is ONLY one true God. Get as far as possible from those who try to “reform” apostasy. Because apostasy cannot be reformed, it MUST be abandoned.
Joshua was in earnest for the welfare of Israel, “Now therefore fear the LORD, and serve him in sincerity and in truth: and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, and in Egypt; and serve ye the LORD” (Josh. 24:14). Don’t forget you can afford to be narrow-minded when you are right!
You are the live-in prophet in your home. You have spiritual jurisdiction. Consider carefully the shepherd heart of God…
“Behold, the Lord GOD will come with strong hand, and his arm shall rule for him…He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young” (Isa. 40:10-11).
You must lead them gently, but you MUST lead. Note the words, “strong hand”, “arm shall rule”, and “lead his flock like a shepherd”. An integral part of shepherding is purging. The thoughtful shepherd has no dealings with wolves. You must put away those things which bring harm to your flock.
Prophets PRAY
Jeremiah is known as the “weeping prophet.” He was a prophet, but he was a prophet with a heart. His burden for his people was so great that he was often moved to tears of intercession. He is the proper model for the Husband as Prophet. New Testament prophets are not cold-hearted, aloof, hateful, or demanding. They are men who “understand the times and know what Israel should do.” Heart-felt supplication is key to guarding your home. When you are in touch with heaven, there are times when an inexplicable burden rolls over your spirit. Though you do not know specifics, you KNOW something is going on. These are the times to cry out to your heavenly Father.
- Pray for your family.
- Pray for your wife.
- Pray with your wife.
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This chapter was written by Evangelist Harold Vaughan.
This chapter is taken from “The Extraordinary Husband”. For more information on the book CLICK HERE.