“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold all things have become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Let’s face it—if we are honest, we all have issues. We may boastfully say, “I’m not an alcoholic,” “I don’t do drugs,” “I’ve never had an affair, so I am doing pretty well.”

Our self-righteousness can keep us from looking deep down into our hearts and seeing the sinful bondages that remain buried deep down, but maybe not visible on the surface.

In serving men in addiction for 120 years, our ministry has been sharing the news that true freedom comes when we get real and recognize that our “surface” issues reveal what is going on deep down in our hearts. The presenting problem may be alcohol, gambling, drugs, tobacco or pornography.

But it goes far deeper. Secular recovery programs offer the hope for sobriety; but the Bible offers the hope of being rescued, redeemed, restored, and repurposed.

For thousands of men, freedom from the bondage of addiction has proved to be an understanding of who they are in Christ. For years their identity has been wrapped up in their job, their financial status, their reputation. For men in recovery, they have believed the lie that their identity is wrapped up in their area of bondage—such as, “I’m Bill; I’m an alcoholic,” or “I’m Tom; I am a drug addict.”

When we place our faith and trust in Jesus and are saved, we receive a new identity. We become a new creation in Christ Jesus. My identity is no longer in the bondage of my past; my identity is now in the freedom that I have in Christ as His child.

Think about this: you are chosen (Ephesians 1:3-8); you are redeemed (Colossians 1:13-14); you are forgiven (Colossians 1:13-14); you are an heir of Christ (Galatians 4:6-7); you are more than a conqueror (Romans 8:37); you are accepted in the beloved (Ephesians 1:4-7); you have incredible worth (1 Corinthians 6:20).

A friend of mine used dolls to illustrate biblical truths. She saved up to purchase a very expensive porcelain doll and took great care of that doll. It was her prize possession.

At one of her presentations, she was in the nursery and saw a ratty old rag doll, without clothes, her hair all a mess, her face dirty. She asked the pastor’s wife if she could have that doll to use with her presentation.

Sharing one evening about her prized possession, a lady came up afterward and wanted to see a doll in her collection—in fact, the dirty old rag doll. When she picked that doll up, she held it as if it was a prized collector’s item. She began to manipulate the mousy dirty hair. With a big smile on her face, she ex-claimed, “I knew it!” Tattooed on the scalp of that seemingly worthless doll was the number 10. This doll was a limited-edition collector’s item doll valued at $7,000.

The enemy of our souls wants us to believe that we are worthless and have no value. We fall into life-dominating sin (addiction) and believe that there is no way out. The cycle of bondage and the strongholds wrap around our souls, and we live in bondage rather than living in freedom.

Christ has come to set you free. He has rescued you from the bondage of sin. He redeemed you with His own precious blood because you are His prized possession. He wants to restore your life and make you more than a conqueror. And when He does that, He gives you a new purpose for living.

If you are struggling with a life-dominating sin, bow the knee. Surrender your heart and life to Jesus. He wants to set you free!

O victory in Jesus, my Savior forever!
He sought me and he bought me
with His redeeming love.
He loved me ere I knew Him,
and all my love is due Him.
He plunged me to victory
beneath His cleansing flood.
(Eugene Bartlett)

To Think and Pray About…

  • Thanks be to God that when a person comes to Christ in repentance and faith, he is freed from the power of addictions!
  • The inward operation of God’s grace is remarkable, and includes wonderful realities such as redemption, forgiveness, adoption, and so much more. Count your many blessings!
  • The enemy of our soul would have us back in the ways of sin; are you resisting him?

This chapter was written by Bill Welte.

The chapter was taken from The Extraordinary Father. CLICK HERE for more information about the book.


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Harold Vaughan

View posts by Harold Vaughan
Evangelist Harold Vaughan is the founder of Christ Life Ministries, Inc. To date, his ministry has led him to preach in forty-eight states and many foreign countries. Click on "ABOUT" in the menu bar to learn more about Harold.
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