Elijah told the people to repent. Isaiah told the people to repent. Joel told the people to repent. Jonah told the people to repent. Jeremiah, Micah, Amos, and Malachi all told the people to repent. John the Baptist told the people to repent. By contrast today’s preachers are telling people that they have no ability...


We have reached a point of division where reconciliation is neither desired by many, or perhaps possible. The societal tremors in recent years signal the coming earthquake. The culture war is largely lost, and the winner will take all. Life and liberty are being replaced with restrictions and control. The transformation of America is taking...

Bad Moon Rising? – Update: THE BAD MOON HAS RISEN!

When the Freeloaders outnumber the Freedom-lovers… When perversion ascends to normalcy… When half of the population despises our entire history… When the victim-class “blame” instead of accepting responsibility… When hatred for traditional values and institutions become mainstream… When churches have a form of Godliness but no power—hard times lie ahead. No nation rises above the...


When the Freeloaders outnumber the Freedom-lovers… When the Communists get more votes than the Capitalists… When transgenderism rises to normalcy… When half of the population despises our entire history… When the victim class “blame” instead of accepting responsibility… When hatred for traditional values and institutions become mainstream—hard times lie ahead. The last wave of “drain...

Holy Anger…The Missing Key In Repentance

How is it that many of us Christians are so incredibly slow when it comes to transforming our minds and actions? Why do we tend to stay “hung-up” instead of moving on? What is missing? I believe we have overlooked an essential ingredient in lasting change—HOLY ANGER. Not unrighteous anger, but holy indignation which is an essential element for lasting transformation.

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