The Road to Sodom One study stated that the majority of Americans are obese. This is not unique to our nation; they tell us obesity is a problem throughout Western civilization. Self indulgence and over indulgence are indications of a deeper, more fundamental problem. Ezekiel tells us that overeating was an issue in Sodom. Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread,
The Sixth Sense
Living Beyond the Natural! God has endowed mankind with five senses: seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, and smelling. With these five senses we negotiate the physical world. But the sixth sense is required to operate in the spiritual realm. This sixth sense is Faith. Faith is the only way man can relate to God. He that approaches God must believe that he is (Heb. 11:6). It is through faith that
Preparation For Revival
Abridged from a sermon delivered October 30, 1864 at the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington, England. As a church we have had our hearts set upon a revival in our midst. Many of us will be grievously disappointed if such a revival shall not take place. We have felt moved to cry for it. Already there are signs that God is visiting us in a very remarkable manner, but our souls are set upon a greater
Soul Nourishment First
Originally Published May 9, 1841 It has pleased the Lord to teach me a truth, the benefit of which I have not lost, for more than fourteen years. The point is this: I saw more clearly than ever that the first great and primary business to which I ought to attend every day was, to have my soul happy in the Lord. The first thing to be concerned about was not how much I might serve the Lord, or how
You may remember the Catholics and Evangelicals Together document that made headlines a few years back. Since it was penned, we have witnessed the acceleration of the absorption of what is now called “evangelicalism” into religion of Rome. Hence, the term Evangelics that describes those who seek to amalgamate two irreconcilable systems. Of course, Cathogelicals, sounds better, but the truth is Catholics
Tradition Vs. Change
Negotiating the right path in a post-modern world presents a great challenge to Bible-believing churches. A knowledge of history, an eye to the future, and wisdom in the present are imperative for an effective ministry in today’s world. Advocates for change are legion. Should we continue attending class with the “old school” professors or enroll for tutelage under the change agents from the “new school”? Tradition