How to Resurrect the Prayer Meeting

Musical artists, celebrities, and football games attract exuberant crowds. Even a popular preacher or a well-known worship leader can draw thousands of enthusiastic people. But when a prayer meeting is announced, few show up. Leonard Ravenhill spoke poignantly to this matter: “Sunday morning shows how popular the church is; Sunday night shows how popular the...

Recovering from Loss

“The king was grieved for his son” (2 Sam. 19:2). There are seasons of loss that come to every life. Nobody lives on planet earth without losing some-thing, or some-one at some point. Adam and Eve recovered from the loss of Able. God gave them Seth. Job and his wife recovered from the loss of...

Counseling Yourself

The Bible is a book of wise counsel. It speaks about the benefit of obtaining counsel from others. But it also instructs us to counsel ourselves. David had his advisors, but He chose to counsel himself. First, he asked himself diagnostic questions, “Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted...

Overcoming Stigma

From a human perspective, even Jesus had a questionable past. His mother, Mary, was pregnant though unmarried. Only Mary and God knew the truth about His conception. Jesus grew up with this. The opinions of others did not matter to Him. Throughout His life He overcame a cesspool of human scorn and slanderous remarks about...

Problems Are Wonderful?

Problems are opportunities. Problems are the key to your future. Your success depends upon your willingness to help other people solve their problems. Your happiness in life is proportionate to your effectiveness in assisting others. Your financial well-being is the result of problem-solving. Contractors solve building problems. Cooks solve hunger problems. Teachers solve knowledge problems....

Two Guardrails

You need two guard rails to keep you out of the ditch. Guard rails are simply principled reasons drawn from Scripture to avoid excesses. The RELAXED BRETHREN have erected a guard rail on the right-hand side of the theological highway. This serves to keep them from legalism. The RIGID BRETHREN are equally cautious, only in...

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