The Listening Protocol

The Listening Protocol

If any man hear my voice . . . Revelation 3:20 Prayer is two-way communication. Rosalind Rinker said, “Prayer is dialogue between two people who love each other.” It takes two people for prayer—one who speaks and one who listens. Neither party dominates the conversation. God not only listens to our prayers, but He also speaks to...


Gratitude: Your Key to Blessing

Gratitude begins with the recognition of favor, kindness, and generosity. Every blessing in your life is the result of someone’s favor, kindness, and generosity. But gratitude moves beyond the recognition stage to the expression of thankfulness toward those who bless our lives. Gratitude makes life worth living. It makes bad times bearable, good times better,...

Treasuring Your Wife


Proverbs says he that finds a wife finds a “good thing”—a TREASURE! Men seek all kinds of treasure, but your wife is the most valuable. In order to properly value your mate, you must see marriage from God’s point of view. This whole idea of matrimony was God’s idea. Your wife is your greatest prize!...

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