How Can Man Be Just With God?

The ancient book of Job poses the question, "How then can man be justified with God? or how can he be clean that is born of woman?" (Job 25:4). From the beginning of time man has been haunted by this question. Creation tells man there is a God. Creation calls for a Creator. Design demands a designer. Conscience tells man there is a God. Conscience, which witnesses of a Creator, has been called "the

When The Lights Go Out In The Church!

The Tragedy of Spiritual Blackout The worst power blackout in U.S. history occurred in August, 2003. It began in the Midwest and before it was over it affected eight states and Canada. Millions were without power. The nation’s largest subway shut down for thirty-two hours. Auto-maker assembly plants and factories shut down. New York City alone lost 750 million dollars in revenue. At least three people

Hell’s Desperate Cry

A Prayer from Perdition In Luke 16 we find the story of how a rich man became poor and a poor man became rich. Here we see incredible contrast. On earth, the rich man lived in luxury while Lazarus lived in poverty. The rich man enjoyed a life of ease, while Lazarus endured a lifetime of suffering. The only thing that these two men had in common was the fact that they both died . When the rich man

Laodicean Church Age: Matter Of Fact Or Myth?

Challenging the Prevailing Spirit of Unbelief I stood in a church service last night and listened to the testimonies of brokenhearted saints sharing how God had met their hearts in a fresh way. It was thrilling. Openness led to brokenness. Brokenness led to oneness. People were praying, weeping, sharing, getting right with one another, and rejoicing. After the meeting a little boy came and told me

Cultivating The Presence Of God

Bringing the Bridegroom Back The marriage proposal had been accepted. The date for the wedding had been set. Invitations had been mailed and there was great anticipation as the day for the wedding ceremony drew near. A full dress rehearsal took place the night before. Finally, the long-awaited day had arrived. Especially stunning was the bride in her beautiful, new dress. Everything was in place.

Practical Atheism

A Problem Nearer Home Than You Think On the way home after church a father noticed his child was whimpering and crying. The father spoke to his child, “Son, what is wrong?” The little boy replied, “The pastor said every child should be raised in a Christian home. But Dad, I WANT TO STAY WITH YOU AND MOM!” Isn’t it amazing how children have an uncanny ability to perceive the human heart? What do you

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