Characteristics of Revival Preaching Revival Preaching is Visionary Revival men look beyond what is to what can be! God told Ezekiel to preach to a valley of dry bones and they were very dry. This man of God followed the Lord’s directives and saw a miraculous revival in a bone yard. He was more than an analyst, more than a diagnostician; he was a visionary. Jesus said, If thou canst believe, thou
Author: Harold Vaughan
Normalizing The Abnormal
How long can the Religious Right do wrong before there is nothing right about it? Many Evangelicals see their power as a “voting block” for conservative causes and candidates. Political clout at the ballot box is believed to be the only way to win the Culture War. Miss California (Carrie Prejean) is now enshrined as a “Christian celebrity” because of her positive comments about marriage consisting
Obedience: Key To Revival
Clinging to known sin, while pretending to seek revival is an exercise in futility. No one is totally consistent, but double-mindedness/half-heartedness gains no favor from God. Don’t expect the windows of heaven to open up if you are practicing incomplete obedience. God is unlikely to override your defiance. Years ago my wife and I were privileged to arrive at a “revival-ready” church. This was a
The Winds Of Revival!
Mount Airy Maryland What a time the Lord gave us in Mt. Airy, MD April 22-29! Starting in January, Pastor Wally Webster led the church in a three month emphasis on personal revival in preparation for the meetings. This included prayer, extensive handouts, preaching, and encouragement. Prior to the meetings, the church had a Men’s Retreat with 150 men in attendance. No golf, no games—only serious preaching
Post Christian Christianity
Believers are upset because America is now said to be a “Post-Christian nation.” This is bad enough, but far worse are the indications we are living in the era of Post-Christian Christianity. General William Booth foresaw the day in which we live. He said, “I consider that the chief dangers which confront the coming century will be religion without the Holy Ghost, Christianity without Christ, forgiveness
Reverse Phariseeism
Reverse racism was a term used to denote minorities who were prejudiced against the majority. There are two sides to every coin. Those who overreact to “Phariseeism” are in the ditch as well; albeit their ditch is on the other side of the road! You may be guilty of Reverse Phariseeism if: You think anyone with higher standards than you is a “legalist.” You have stretched the “narrow gate” that