True leaders don’t seek power. True leaders seek to empower others. True leaders are not remembered by the etching on their headstones. They are remembered for the impression they left on human hearts.
Author: Harold Vaughan
Hyper-Sovereignty – Is Everything That Happens The Will Of God?
I am stunned and amazed. Recently, a Christian man said to me that God’s will is always done—ALWAYS. Further he stated that without exception, everything that occurs on earth is the will of God. Hmmmm? Really?
Slacking… Slouching… Slipping… Sliding – Discipline In A Careless Age
Discipline is out of vogue. The entitlement mentality has stripped the sense of responsibility from our nation. Anti-legalists (Illegalists) within the church, decry all prohibitions and boundaries as an assault on their liberty. The net result is an explosion of slacking, slouching, slipping, and sliding.
State Of Emergency… The Children In American Churches
Lately I have spent time preaching to and praying with Christian young people. Ministering to young people and conversing with pastors, parents, and youth leaders has brought a sense of alarm to me.
The Great Sin
“There are only two safe places for a Christian—in the dust and in heaven. And of the two the dust is safer, for Satan fell from heaven,” said a wise man. Pride was the first sin to destroy the calm of eternity. It was pride that cast Lucifer from heaven and it was pride that cost our first parents their place in Paradise. Pride is the first sin to enter a man’s heart and the last to leave. No sin is more offensive to God than the sin of pride.
Congregational Hindrances to Revival
It has been a long time since America and the English-speaking world have been visibly shaken by the power of the Spirit of God. Why must most of us acknowledge we have never been part of a deep and powerful revival? Is it because God has ceased to send revivals? Has He found a better...