How To Minister To Hurting People

The purpose of this article is to equip you to minister to hurting people. I want to empower you to encourage those who are suffering. Our job is to minister “to” individuals, not “at” them. Sickness, death, job loss, divorce, emotional breakdown, immobilizing guilt, relational conflict and a host of other factors bring unspeakable pain to the hearts of people. Hurting people don’t need quick-fix, one liners—they need companionship.

Contemporary Schismatics…

"Heretic" means divider or one who causes schism. We think of modern heresy-hunters as those who sniff out doctrinal error and expose it. But Biblically speaking, heretics are those who bring needless division. They use a magnifying glass to discover blemishes, or points of disagreement, in and with others.

Fig-Leaf Fallacy

Prior to the Fall, Adam and Eve were unconscious of their nakedness. They had an intense awareness that they were "clothed" with the approval of God, and nothing else mattered. Sin "stripped" their sense of acceptance leaving them only with shame, guilt, and fear. So what did they do?

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