In 1994 Kmart had 2,323 stores in operation. As of December 2019, Kmart had shrunk to only 115 stores. So how did this happen? Our local Kmart no longer exist. Before closing its doors, it looked the same as it did thirty years ago. Both the building and the “Blue Light Specials” remained unaltered. They...
Author: Harold Vaughan
Proverbs says he that finds a wife finds a “good thing”—a TREASURE! Men seek all kinds of treasure, but your wife is the most valuable. In order to properly value your mate, you must see marriage from God’s point of view. This whole idea of matrimony was God’s idea. Your wife is your greatest prize!...
The Cleansing Protocol
Clean hands, and a pure heart . . . Psalm 24:4 Our entrance into God’s presence must be preceded by cleansing. God’s holiness makes this cleansing protocol mandatory. Habakkuk says that God’s eyes are too pure to behold evil and mischief (see Hab. 1:13). David wrote, “Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord?...
The Praise Protocol
Enter . . . his courts with praise. Psalm 100:4 Praise is response to greatness. That’s why the Bible tells us to “enter his courts with praise . . . and bless his name” (Ps. 100:4). God is to be approached with praise, applause, and acclaim. His worthiness demands our praise. His grace calls for praise....
The Reverence Protocol
Hallowed be thy name. Matthew 6:9 The model prayer, commonly referred to as the Lord’s prayer, is one place in Scripture where we find guiding principles to pray through. More accurately, it should be titled the disciples’ prayer, or the model prayer, because it contains elements that the Lord never needed to pray, such as “Forgive...
The Teachability Protocol
Come unto me . . . and learn of me. Matthew 11:28–29 Jesus invited the weary to partner with Him in His redemptive purpose: “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and...