“David encouraged himself in the Lord his God” (1 Samuel 30:6).

The Bible speaks clearly to the issue of contentment. Paul said, “I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content” (Philippians 4:11). He further instructed, “And having food and raiment let us be therewith content” (1 Timothy 6:8). The writer of Hebrews warned against covetousness and admonished, “Be content with such things as ye have” (13:5). Contentment with circumstances, necessities, and material things is addressed in these verses. This is very important. But nowhere in the Word are we encouraged to content ourselves with spiritual mediocrity. John Mason remarked, “Mediocrity is a region bordered on the north by compromise, on the south by indecision, on the east by past thinking and on the west by a lack of vision.”

Every man is responsible to keep himself motivated. No one but you is charged with the task of keeping you focused and energized. David encouraged himself in the Lord and so must you. You must learn the art of self-encouragement by constantly refocusing. Outside influences, internal tendencies, and demonic interference combined with relentless distractions make it necessary to become skilled at motivating yourself. Knowing your purpose ignites passion, and enthusiasm unleashes energy. The key to remaining energized is staying focused on your assignment, so…

  1. Meet God daily in the Secret Place. “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty” (Psalm 91:1). Your nearness to God depends on your time in the secret place. It is mandatory to keep your fellowship with the Spirit of God fresh and vital. You cannot live off yesterday’s manna. “The Lord’s mercies are… new every morning” (Lamentations 3:22). These fresh mercies are available, but must be accessed daily. Get into the routine of meeting God every day in the secret place.
  2. Honor the Protocol of Prayer. There is a protocol for every environment you enter. Meeting your Father in the secret place requires a directed approach. Psalm 150 lays out the procedure…
    • “Come before his presence with singing” (v. 2).
      Collect songs that resonate in your spirit. Spend time listening to music and singing to the Lord.
    • “Enter into his gates with thanksgiving” (v. 4).
      Giving thanks recognizes God as the giver, and fills your heart with gratitude.
    • “Enter… his courts with praise” (v.4).
      God is worthy, and praising Him lifts your soul. Get into the uplifting habit of praise.

Singing, thanksgiving, and praise exalt the Lord and liberate your inner man. Burdens don’t seem as heavy when you magnify the Lord. Problems are minimized instead of magnified in your mind. If you are suffering with a heavy heart, the habit of praise makes for a happy heart. A Godward focus instills vigor and excitement which propels you forward in your in your daily tasks. As you spend time daily in God’s presence, you will get clarification on the particulars of your assignment and you will keep in step with the Spirit.

  1. Drink at the fountains that refresh you. While staying motivated is your responsibility, there are benefits to be had from individuals and surroundings. When you are blessed by a book, search out other titles from that author. When a speaker rings your bell, listen to his sermons. Get around the people who unleash your creativity. Spend more time with energy-givers and less time with energy-takers. Take advantage of the “springs” that put life into you. Place yourself in those atmospheres and environments that impart life.
  2. Fuel your enthusiasm. Identify things that empower you. Feed your mind and spirit with resources that improve your outlook. Print Scriptures that help you and post them where you see them daily. Your enthusiasm is vital. It improves your attitude, sparks your imagination, increases your value, and inspires others. God cannot use a discouraged person. Spend the time and resources needed to keep yourself motivated.
  3. Adapt to new seasons. Each new season in life should bring new dreams and aspirations. When one chapter ends, start writing another. Being flexible will keep you from becoming bitter. You can mourn the past, or move toward your future, but not do both simultaneously. One season’s ending marks another’s beginning–so pay attention to these signals.

Change is uncomfortable. Familiarity brings comfort, but new seasons bring opportunity. Instead of balking at the inevitable, adjust your mind to embrace it. Your dreams should always be larger than your memories. There are new vistas to behold, new mountains to climb, and new territory to conquer. You will need to change your trajectory to accommodate all the “new things” that accompany a change of season.

To Think and Pray About…

  • While you must keep up your motivation, it can only be done in the Lord!
  • “Lord, help me to establish and maintain good habits in prayer.”
  • Be consciously thankful for the new seasons and opportunities God sends your way.

This chapter was written by Evangelist Harold Vaughan.

Taken from The Extraordinary FatherCLICK HERE for more information.


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Harold Vaughan

View posts by Harold Vaughan
Evangelist Harold Vaughan is the founder of Christ Life Ministries, Inc. To date, his ministry has led him to preach in forty-eight states and many foreign countries. Click on "ABOUT" in the menu bar to learn more about Harold.
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