Vintage skins are incompatible with fresh wine (Mat. 9:17). Old, crusty wine skins may maintain the flavor of their native juice, but not this year’s crop. In fact, putting new wine into those old skins would cause a rupture and the fresh juice would be wasted. The container and the wine must be compatible. When...
Tag: Holy Spirit
Christianity is relational. It has both a vertical and a horizontal dimension. Salvation brings us into relationship with God. It also brings us into relationship with others who belong to the family of God. Through Christ all “saved” people are related, and Scripture is chock-full of references about the inter-relatedness of believers. Loving and caring...
Most cities now have signs that post Amber Alerts to help authorities rescue children who have been abducted. At any given time, there are approximately 90,000 missing persons in the U.S. Pastors are cancelling mid-week Prayer Meetings because of missing persons—church members have stopped attending. But the missing person I’m referring to is not the...
“After that the Holy Spirit is come upon you ye shall receive power.” (Acts 1:8) The Christian life is impossible apart from the Spirit of Christ. F. B. Meyer said, “It is not your responsibility to live the Christian life, rather it is your RESPONSE to HIS ABILITY.” We cannot manufacture the fruit of the...
“That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man . . . that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God” (Eph. 3:16, 19). “Before Pentecost the struggle was hopeless. After Pentecost they overcame. The Spirit made slaves...
Spirit-Less Christianity
Perhaps you, like me, have heard something like this, “Christian Evangelicals and Fundamentalists have erred by placing less emphasis on the Holy Spirit because the Charismatics and Pentecostals have taken that doctrine to great excesses.” When the fact of the matter is that most of us do not even think of Charismatics and Pentecostals very often and we think of the Holy Spirit even less. Indeed, we have erred because we have neglected the third Person of the Godhead.