“Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me” (Rev. 3:20). I doubt that I know of a passage in the whole Bible which throws greater light upon prayer than this...

The Faith Protocol

He that cometh to God must believe. Hebrews 11:6 Richard Alleine said, “The reason why we obtain no more in prayer is because we expect no more. God usually answers us according to our own hearts.” The Bible is clear about the value of faith-filled praying. Moses turned God’s wrath from Israel through his intercession (see...

The Forgiveness Protocol

As we forgive our debtors . . . Matthew 6:12 The first three requests in the model prayer are all Godward. They involve God’s name, God’s kingdom, and God’s will. In the rest of the prayer, we are instructed to pray about our concerns. First is daily bread, and then comes the matter of our...

The Listening Protocol

The Listening Protocol

If any man hear my voice . . . Revelation 3:20 Prayer is two-way communication. Rosalind Rinker said, “Prayer is dialogue between two people who love each other.” It takes two people for prayer—one who speaks and one who listens. Neither party dominates the conversation. God not only listens to our prayers, but He also speaks to...

The Cleansing Protocol

The Cleansing Protocol

Clean hands, and a pure heart . . .  Psalm 24:4 Our entrance into God’s presence must be preceded by cleansing. God’s holiness makes this cleansing protocol mandatory. Habakkuk says that God’s eyes are too pure to behold evil and mischief (see Hab. 1:13). David wrote, “Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord?...

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