The female principal in a Christian school publicly slanders her pastor. Her attacks on the preacher are brash and frequent. Why did the deacons and men of the church sit idly by, week after week, while this ungodly assault persisted? A pastor has a visiting evangelist speaking nightly at his church. It comes to the...
Prayerless Praying
Originally published October 22, 1892 There is much prayerless praying. The attitude and semblance of prayer are in it, but there is no real praying, no projecting of the desires with vigor and in a flame to heaven. The form and show are seen, but the substance and being of prayer are entirely absent. Prayers have been said, the performance gone through, but no real praying has been done. As far as
Paradoxical Commandments Of Christian Leadership
People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered; Love Them Anyway. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives; Do Good Anyway. If you are successful, you win false friends and make true enemies; Succeed Anyway. The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow; Do good Anyway. Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable; Be Frank Anyway. The biggest man with the
The Believer’S Resume
John 8:32 says, “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” I am who God says I am. I can do what God says I can do. I have what God says I have. In Christ . . . I have Christ’s power and authority (Ephesians 1:18-23). I am holy, blameless, and beyond reproach (Colossians 1:21-22). I am seated with Christ in heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6). I have been made
Preaching That Pleases God
Since preaching is God’s idea, and it is He who has put us in the ministry (I Tim.1:12), our greatest desire in preaching should be to please Him! I have no desire to be a “seeker sensitive” preacher, but I do have every desire to be a “Savior sensitive” preacher. II Timothy 4 lays out the principles for that kind of preaching. Paul declared, “I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus
Upper Room Praying
The Key to Revival When Jesus left earth, all He left behind was a prayer meeting. In fact, it was an Upper Room prayer meeting. His sole strategy to impact the planet was limited to a handful of distressed disciples in an Upper Room. These humble beginnings were the springboard to Pentecost. What took place in the Upper Room would determine the course and destiny of the early church. Since everything