There will be no party spirit in heaven… There will be no evil speaking in heaven… There will be no religious suburbs in heaven… There will be???
How In The World Do We Reach These Millennials?
The single largest group in the United States, as of now, is the group sociologists refer to as the Millennials. While we have heard about and honored the “Greatest” generation, we seem to have no idea what to do about the “Millennial” one.
Is Holiness Possible? Part 2
The "no-holiness-now" advocates, be they Puritanical or antinomian, are united in the belief that holiness on earth is not for today. (Antinomian—the view that Christians are released by grace from the obligation of observing the moral law)
Is Holiness Possible…
Or Is Holiness a Hoax? Holiness defines God’s character, first and foremost. It is His complete “otherness” that distinguishes Him from us. He is “separate” from all creation. Yet both Testaments command God’s people to be holy (Lev. 20:26, 1 Pet. 1:16). This three-time holy God makes holiness an imperative—”Be ye holy.” Anyone who has...
Sodom In The Sanctuary Revisited…
The Coming Purge The public acceptance, celebration, and acceleration of homosexuality is staggering. It seems the President can hardly wait to praise athletes, or others, who come out of the closet. The general public repeatedly elects pro-gay politicians. Money trumps morality. Skin trumps sin. Regardless of ethnicity, people favor “race” over “grace.” Even many “conservative”...
Do Faithful And Fruitless Go Together?
A “New Norm” Or A “New Low”? Should churches be growing numerically, as well as spiritually? Is the absence of life the “new normal” for American congregations? Jesus cursed the fig tree that had only leaves, but no fruit. He talked about “fruit”, “more fruit”, and went on to say the Father is glorified when we...