Respecting Your Wife


“And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted…” (Eph. 4:32) It is possible to treat total strangers better than the people you live with! Familiarity can bring contempt. Respect begins with a choice about your attitude. A deliberate attitude will lead to actions. One of the most important actions is your speech—the words you choose...

The Faith Protocol

He that cometh to God must believe. Hebrews 11:6 Richard Alleine said, “The reason why we obtain no more in prayer is because we expect no more. God usually answers us according to our own hearts.” The Bible is clear about the value of faith-filled praying. Moses turned God’s wrath from Israel through his intercession (see...

The Forgiveness Protocol

As we forgive our debtors . . . Matthew 6:12 The first three requests in the model prayer are all Godward. They involve God’s name, God’s kingdom, and God’s will. In the rest of the prayer, we are instructed to pray about our concerns. First is daily bread, and then comes the matter of our...

“SHADOWS” Can Be Good

Life brings shadows. Close proximity is required to fall under a shadow. In Psalm 23 David spoke of passing through the valley of the “shadow of death” (v. 4). And it’s not just death that cast a dark shadow. There are seasons in life where shadows press in upon us. But not all shadows are bad....

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