The best students of Bible prophecy cannot find the United States mentioned in relation to the end times. As history winds down, apparently something happens that removes America from being a world player. This is in keeping with the push toward a centralized world government. When the anti-Christ steps in to solve all the world’s...
Author: Harold Vaughan
How the Enemy Attacks the Saints D. L. Moody once remarked, “I believe Satan exists for two reasons: first, the Bible says so, and second, I’ve done business with him.” Whether we know it or not we’ve all done business with Satan. A more penetrating question might be: Have you ever done business for Satan?...
“We have done that which was our duty to do” (Luke 17:10). We cannot depend upon great events, striking circumstances, exalted moments, and great occasions to measure our zeal, courage, faith, and love. These are measured by the commonplace, work-a-day tasks, the unattractive hidden paths of common life. Thank God for...
Who Makes the Final Call
Scripture Reading—Colossians 3:15 “And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.” The crowd is on its feet. Millions of people around the world are glued to their TVs. It’s game seven of the World Series. With the score tied...
There’s a tremendous sense among many that massive changes are at hand in our nation. History is predictable because sin is cyclical. Abundance breeds apathy, and apathy ultimately breeds anarchy. Every reformation country now lies in spiritual ruins. What happened in Sodom and Rome is now happening to us. But most pulpits are silent concerning...
Harden not your hearts. Hebrews 3:8 Heart disease has been called the silent killer. Each year more women die from heart disease than from all types of cancer combined. One quarter of heart attacks suffered by men is unsuspected before they hit. One third of women who suffer heart attacks have no pain or symptoms...