A prayer burden is a spiritual concern on the heart of God that is imparted by the Holy Spirit to someone whose intercession the Holy Spirit desires to use. Jesus has been interceding for this need, and now the Spirit needs you to join with the intercession of Jesus. It is a specially sacred level...


Bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Ephesians 6:4 Children are really adults in the making. As parents, it is our duty to direct our children’s journeys from childhood to adulthood. “Nurture” in Ephesians 6:4 means to cherish, prepare, coach, and educate. This verse also implies disciplinary correction— “admonition” —as children...

The Preeminence in Revival

“Jesus walking on the earth is far more important than man walking on the moon.” —Astronaut James Irwin “Revival is ultimately Christ Himself seen, felt, heard, living, active, moving in and through His body on earth.” —Stephen Olford “[Revival] is such a manifest working of God that human personalities are overshadowed and human programs are...

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