The Bible doesn’t tell us everything about heaven, but one thing is for sure heaven will be a continuous celebration.

So what will we do for all eternity? The answer is, we will have specific assignments. Do you remember the story Jesus told about the man of noble birth who gave his servants money to invest? One servant had doubled his money so the man said, “You will rule over ten cities.” The next servant had seen a 50% increase so his master said, “Rule over five cities.” And the man who hid his money had even that amount taken from him in punishment (Luke 19:11-27). The story is a picture of what heaven will be like. We will use our gifts in the administration of the new heaven and the new earth.

Here are five things that will occupy us in heaven. We will …

  1. Worship without distraction.
  2. Serve without exhaustion.
  3. Fellowship without fear.
  4. Learn without lethargy.
  5. Rest without boredom.

WORSHIP WITHOUT DISTRACTION. The best part of heaven will be seeing Jesus himself face to face. We will worship the Son of God and celebrate his great victory over sin while the endless ages of eternity roll on and on. The best music you’ve ever heard will pale compared to the music of heaven. The most awesome worship you’ve experienced on earth is but a dim reflection of the praise we will render around the throne of God. Heaven is an everlasting worship service.

SERVE WITHOUT EXHAUSTION. Human limitations will be gone forever. Our heavenly bodies will be energized with no need for sleep. Eternity has no days, nights, weeks, years, or centuries. We will exist in the “eternal present.” Our glorified bodies and souls will forever be involved in God’s purposes. The entire redeemed multitude will serve the LORD Jesus Christ, and never get weary.

FELLOWSHIP WITHOUT FEAR. Planet earth has been a dangerous place for believers. America, because of its unique history, has enjoyed immense religious freedom. But most other countries have persecuted true Christians. Martyrdom is the history of Christianity. Paganism, Communism, the Roman Catholic Church, and even some Protestant leaders executed sincere followers of Christ. The spirit of anti-Christ is coming on strong in Western nations; especially here in America. “Biblical Truth” will be the new hate crime.

But in heaven there will be no opposition! No more underground churches. Unceasing and open fellowship will be our portion!

LEARN WITHOUT LETHARGY. Our human comprehension on this side of heaven is incomplete. Much study can be exhausting. Acquiring new knowledge and new skills is draining. But I think heaven will be a place of ever-expanding knowledge. Taking in the character of God and His wisdom is an eternal privilege. We will “know and be known,” but the Infinite God is so vast that new discoveries about Him will go on and on. And this learning will never be dull, lifeless, or wearisome. Each grasp of His perfections will raise a doxology!

REST WITHOUT BOREDOM. Think about this: no anxiety, no burdens, and no concerns. Just complete satisfaction, but never a dull moment! Heaven is an exciting place. Full-bore praise to the Lamb in the midst of the throne! Hallelujahs and singing around the throne!

As that song says, “I can only imagine what it will be like, when I walk by your side… I can only imagine what my eyes will see when your face is before me… Surrounded by your glory, what will my heart feel?” Our hope and anticipation calls for praise in the here-and-now!

We may not know much about paradise, but what we know is exhilarating. Our hearts will be at peace, and never a moment of monotony or tediousness.

Brothers and sisters, we are bound for the Promised Land. And there we will everlastingly be occupied with the Lord Jesus Christ. HOW BEAUTIFUL HEAVEN MUST BE!

Harold Vaughan

[Note: This outline came from a sermon by David Burns called “Heaven is a Wonderful Place,” February 25, 1996.]


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Harold Vaughan

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Evangelist Harold Vaughan is the founder of Christ Life Ministries, Inc. To date, his ministry has led him to preach in forty-eight states and many foreign countries. Click on "ABOUT" in the menu bar to learn more about Harold.
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