After His baptism, Jesus saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit descended upon Him like a dove. Then He heard the Father saying, ‘You are my beloved Son, and I am very pleased with you.’ Notice carefully what happened next—“Immediately the Spirit driveth Him into the WILDERNESS. And He was there in the wilderness forty days,...


Will things ever get back to normal? Will the sun shine again? When will the darkness lift? Is it even possible to get through the things that I will never get over?  Scripture is not silent on the subject of suffering. The Bible is full of instruction with many examples of people who endured tremendous...


Help In Dealing With Difficulties Dealing with difficulties has never been my strong suit. Therefore the Apostle’s words astound me, “We glory in tribulations; knowing tribulation worketh patience.” The extraordinary pressures that result from following Christ were his delight. Paul had a victorious perspective, “Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in...

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