Help In Dealing With Difficulties Dealing with difficulties has never been my strong suit. Therefore the Apostle’s words astound me, “We glory in tribulations; knowing tribulation worketh patience.” The extraordinary pressures that result from following Christ were his delight. Paul had a victorious perspective, “Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in...

How To Minister To Hurting People

The purpose of this article is to equip you to minister to hurting people. I want to empower you to encourage those who are suffering. Our job is to minister “to” individuals, not “at” them. Sickness, death, job loss, divorce, emotional breakdown, immobilizing guilt, relational conflict and a host of other factors bring unspeakable pain to the hearts of people. Hurting people don’t need quick-fix, one liners—they need companionship.

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