Words are very powerful. Both life and death are in the power of the tongue (Prov. 18:21). The things we “say” are extremely significant. “SAY What?” From the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks (Luke 6:45). Speech is simply the overflow of the heart. I’ve heard it put this way, “What’s in the well...
“Hypersomnia” is the opposite of insomnia. It is a sleep disorder where a person can sleep for eleven hours, or more. Symptoms include excessive daytime sleepiness, long unrefreshing naps, and brain fog. On the spiritual level, how on earth can a believer escape the pervasive drowsiness, and incredible dullness within the prevailing religious culture? With...
The term narcissism originates in Greek mythology and the legend of Narcissus. He was known for his exquisite beauty. It is said that after seeing his reflection in the river, Narcissus fell in love with himself. A narcissist has a huge EGO, which could stand for Edging God Out. An egotist is a person who...
Ours is the day of cultural accommodation, and bridled Biblical articulation. Definitive and pointed preaching has fallen on hard times. For decades huge segments of American Christianity has bent the Bible around culture instead of bending culture around the Bible. High-profile leaders, religious media and periodicals, the never-ending compromise of denominations and movements, and genial...
When did you last hear a message on “hope”? Hope, along with love and faith, are essential virtues according to the Apostle Paul (1 Cor. 13:13). “Hope” appears 121 times in the Bible, and 53 of these references are in the New Testament. Anyone remotely acquainted with the Book of Acts surely knows that the...
The Tragedy of Duplicity Back in the early days of our nation there rose a host of well-dressed charlatans who peddled “magic elixirs” and attributed miraculous healing power to their products. These swindlers became known as “snake oil salesmen.” In reality, they were nothing more than Con Artists, fakes, frauds, and pretenders. Their whole enterprise...