Our Father . . . , Give us . . . forgive us . . . deliver us. Matthew 6:9–13 There is not a single first-person pronoun in the model prayer. Most people pray about “I,” “me,” and “my,” but none of these words appear in this prayer that Jesus taught His disciples to pray....
The Singing Protocol
Come before his presence with singing. Psalm 100:2 There is a reason church services begin with singing. It is protocol: “Come before his presence with singing” (Ps. 100:2). The word “singing” conveys the idea of shouting for joy. It literally means to sound the glad voice of triumph. God says that men are to approach Him...
Thy will be done. Matthew 6:10 One of the basics of God-focused praying is found once again in the model prayer: surrendering our personal desires and agendas to the Lord in exchange for our Father’s plan and purpose (see Matt. 6:10). Jesus teaches us to pray that the Father’s will would be executed on Earth as...
I’m sitting in my sunroom today looking through the windows. Birds are eating seeds from the feeder, deer are walking through the backyard, and the trees are swaying in the wind. We’ve had some very hot and humid weather this summer. But it sure is comfortable “inside” these glass walls in the sunroom. The reason...
You and I are constantly talking to ourselves. So what have you been saying to yourself lately? Since you have more conversations with yourself than anyone else, it is imperative to say the things that you need to hear. Instead of listening to the self-defeating talk emanating from your old self, tell yourself what you...
After His baptism, Jesus saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit descended upon Him like a dove. Then He heard the Father saying, ‘You are my beloved Son, and I am very pleased with you.’ Notice carefully what happened next—“Immediately the Spirit driveth Him into the WILDERNESS. And He was there in the wilderness forty days,...