Problems are opportunities. Problems are the key to your future. Your success depends upon your willingness to help other people solve their problems. Your happiness in life is proportionate to your effectiveness in assisting others. Your financial well-being is the result of problem-solving. Contractors solve building problems. Cooks solve hunger problems. Teachers solve knowledge problems....
Author: Harold Vaughan
Two Guardrails
You need two guard rails to keep you out of the ditch. Guard rails are simply principled reasons drawn from Scripture to avoid excesses. The RELAXED BRETHREN have erected a guard rail on the right-hand side of the theological highway. This serves to keep them from legalism. The RIGID BRETHREN are equally cautious, only in...
Right-Wing Flesh
Unmasking a Seldom Suspected Culprit In the Bible, the word “flesh” can refer to a number of things. In some places it is used to describe the physical body. “Flesh” is also used to denote the condition man was left in after the Fall. Flesh is what Man became because of sin as opposed to what God originally created. Man was created a spiritual being with a nature that corresponded to God. Adam and
Grace Has a Backbone
Saving grace is not sentimental weakness, it carries crystal clear instructions. God’s grace teaches us to deny ungodliness/lusts; and to live soberly, righteous, and godly on the earth (Titus 2:11-12). Grace without truth, or Truth without grace, are both distortions. Either extreme misrepresents the Lord, and His salvation. Let’s consider the sloppy, slippery, and utterly...
Dried Out, Delighted Men
This article was written by Dale Cunningham It happens every January at Men’s Prayer Advance, the most-anticipated yearly event on my personal calendar. Thursday afternoon, men from all over the country gather for three days of preaching, praying, and “like-a-reunion” fellowship. As the congregational singing begins, you can sense that this is going to be...
“Triggers” For Corporate Revival
The first step toward any solution is the RECOGNITION of the problem. Israel’s religious leaders were unaware that the Glory-cloud had not hovered over the Mercy Seat for 400 hundred years. The priests were oblivious to God’s absence. The blind were leading the blind. God’s chosen people had grown accustomed to lifelessness—no divine interruptions or interventions. The Pharisees were so far removed from vital reality that they led the charge to crucify God’s Son. Think about it—it was the Orthodox crowd that most vehemently opposed the only begotten Jesus! Is it possible the same thing is happening now?