There’s a tremendous sense among many that massive changes are at hand in our nation. History is predictable because sin is cyclical. Abundance breeds apathy, and apathy ultimately breeds anarchy.

Every reformation country now lies in spiritual ruins. What happened in Sodom and Rome is now happening to us.

But most pulpits are silent concerning holy warnings against ungodliness. Consoling congregations with comfort and peace has replaced the cry for repentance. Fatalism has triumphed over faith. Determinism is trumpeted instead of personal responsibility. Slumber is more evident than urgency.

Our country is collapsing before our eyes. Order is gone. Common sense is no where to be found. It has been 27 years since Congress passed a budget on time. The demise of the West is undeniable. And the globalists are using climate change and “crises” to usher in a New World Order.

But the real climate change that needs to take place is within the churches. When the congregational atmosphere is pregnant with a sense of God’s holiness, people come under conviction. I am talking about the conviction of sin. Slumbering consciences are smitten and alarmed by the tolerance of permitted evil. God’s manifest Presence makes sin appear exceedingly evil—treason against the Almighty. Conviction leads to contrition, and contrition leads to cleansing. And cleansing leads to conversion, or change. The sense of the HOLY overcomes those attending worship services. Sinners are born again and the saints are reanimated.

An awful sense of God’s presence was felt during the 1859 Prayer Revival. But not only in churches, but in society at large. It is said that ships entering the New York harbor were overtaken by a sense of the presence of God. Men and women cried out to the Lord for mercy before they ever reached the shore! During this Revival over one million people were converted. Our country only had a population of 35 million at that time.

Cataclysmic changes are upon us. Western nations have been judicially given over by God to moral uncleanness, vile affections, and an undiscerning mind. We are living in Romans chapter one.

The coming storm will touch every aspect of our lives. We need a fresh baptism of the fear of God… NOW! We do not need more productions and performances in the house of God. What we need is anointed utterance calling God’s people to get CLEAN before God, and CLEAR before their fellow man. It is past time for judgment to begin at the house of God.

Sometimes God sends Revival to avert judgement. Other times he sends Revival to prepare His people to go through the judgement. Either way we desperately need God’s reviving touch… RIGHT NOW.

Harold Vaughan


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Harold Vaughan

View posts by Harold Vaughan
Evangelist Harold Vaughan is the founder of Christ Life Ministries, Inc. To date, his ministry has led him to preach in forty-eight states and many foreign countries. Click on "ABOUT" in the menu bar to learn more about Harold.
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