What is a MAN UP Weekend?
If you want a harvest in 3 months grow squash. If you want a harvest in 25 years grow trees. But if you want a harvest that spans eternity grow MEN! MAN UP Weekend is all about promoting Biblical Masculinity. It’s a time of authentic and real talk for men, calling them to follow after God’s ‘Masculine Mandate’. God calls men to be laborers, lovers, and leaders.
This ‘Masculine Mandate’ begins in the book of Genesis. Everything we see in our world today had its origin “in the beginning.” The Creator fashioned the heavens and the earth. Then He brought forth all creatures, both great and small. Next he formed man out of the dust of earth, and breathed into him the breath of life. Adam was the crown jewel of creation. God designed him as a “male” man… with specific functions. Our culture has declared war on the Originator’s plan. Role-reversal, and role erasure has accelerated to warp speed. Deviancy has been dumbed down to the point where the abnormal has been normalized. The illegal has been legalized. The unjustifiable has been justified. And unrighteousness is touted as virtuous.
For way too long congregations have neglected the men. The reason men hate going to church may be due to the fact that womanly virtues are esteemed and manly virtues are debunked. Most churches have programs for everybody except the men. I am all for reaching children, teens, addicts, and women; but should we not target the men?
Check out this testimony from a recent MAN UP Weekend: "Dear Harold, what a great time with you here. Deep conviction and good encouragement to all. Big decisions were made and we got rave reviews from many men. Some wanted us to do it every year." - Bill Lytell (Pastor Florida)
That’s what MAN UP Weekend is all about. It is a time to gather men from your church, community, and surrounding churches to call them to respond to the ‘Masculine Mandate’ that the Bible has given. Do you have a heart for seeing men reached for Christ and Biblical masculinity grow in their lives? Then consider hosting a MAN UP Weekend and put feet to your goals of reaching the men. Click here for more info on how to make it happen.
Sample Schedule
Friday | 7:00pm | Area-wide MAN UP Men's Rally (invite area churches) |
Saturday | 8:30am | Donuts & Coffee |
9:00am | Session | |
10:00am | Session | |
11:00am | "Man Talk" w/ Q&A | |
Noon | Lunch | |
Sunday | 11:00am | Morning Worship |
6:00pm | Evening Service - Optional |
Interested pastors: Click here for more information