Core Values
- Committed to Truth – We choose God’s Word over our ever-changing feelings
- Faithful in Service – We choose responsibility over ease
- Abounding in Expectation – We choose faith over fear
This is it...
We believe the message of the Gospel is not to be bottled up, but to be spread far and wide. We also believe that the Christian ought never to stop growing in Christ. As an organization we want to continue to evolve and grow in order stay on mission in our current culture.
We believe opportunities are endless to minister in our world around us, thus we have a very specific mission statement to guide us along: "We are committed to promoting spiritual revival, renewal, and refreshment for individuals, pastors, and in local churches." We want to see more people in heaven one day, and more Christians dedicated to following Jesus in this earthly life. Because of this, we are going to dream big, think outside the box, and boldly follow Christ right here and right now.