Student Prayer Advance

Our Featured Speaker:

Special Guest:

Advance M/C:

Stephen Vaughan

Worship Team:

Dan Vaughn & PA Band

When is the Student Prayer Advance?

July 24-26, 2025

Where is the Student Prayer Advance?

Emory & Henry University

30461 Garnand Dr, Emory, VA 24327

Click Here To Download Campus Map

What is the Student Prayer Advance?

Every Student Advance features engaging preaching, powerful worship, and heart-to-heart fellowship with God and others. Our singular purpose is a spiritual encounter with the living Christ, and a time of practical discipleship for students and leaders. With our strategic group times, it offers time for your group to be edified in prayer, application of truth, and accountability. We also provide each person with tools to personally connect with the Lord during the weekend in prayer and through His Word. 


Who Should Attend?

Middle and High School age
This event is for all teachable young people whether they attend Christian school, home school, or public school. Mature 12 year-olds may attend, preferably with at least one parent. Younger students without parents are required to have a designated overseer from their group for the entire Advance.

Any young person 18 and older can attend, whether they attend college or not. Far too many young people flounder, rather than pursue their God-given destiny. We divide the middle and high schoolers from the College-age during the breakout times and conduct separate sessions for them. It is absolutely crucial that young people discover their God-given Assignment. We will focus on assisting these young adults in discovering and fulfilling their mission.

Breakout Sessions

We will have separate breakout sessions for Middle School students, High School students, Collage-age students and leaders. Age-specific topics and key issues will be addressed. More info coming soon!

*** Topics are subject to change or be added to


What Should I Expect?

You should anticipate outstanding Bible preaching on relevant topics. Also, you will experience great fellowship in an inspirational atmosphere. Designated group and prayer times are scheduled as well.


Each group is required to bring their own leaders. At least one leader is required for every six students of each gender. That means if you bring three girls and seven guys, you will need two male leaders and one female leader. Adults and parents are encouraged to attend!


Meals are provided on campus in the Cafeteria. The first meal provided is Thursday dinner and the last meal provided is Saturday breakfast. All meals on Friday are provided on campus. 


  • On Campus Lodging
  • Hotels Are Located in Nearby Abingdon, VA

Tentative Schedule

NOTE: 'This is a tentative schedule and is subject to change. See the Advance schedule given at check-in for actual session times.

Thursday 12:00pm Check-in Begins
Thursday 1:30-4:45pm Sessions
Thursday 4:45pm  Dinner
Thursday 6:30pm Sessions
Friday 7:30am Breakfast
Friday 9:00 - 12:00pm Sessions
Friday 12:00pm Lunch
Friday 2:00 - 4:45pm Sessions
Friday 4:45pm  Dinner
Friday 6:00pm Sessions
Saturday 7:30am Breakfast
Saturday 8:45 - 11:30am Sessions

SPA Videos

Coming Soon

Words From Those Who Have Attended

Our deep gratitude to the ministry of Prayer Advance! We received so much blessings from this event! Thank you again! To God be all the Glory!
– Elloid Gerona

Our teens gave testimonies last night… Many thought that the idol message really woke them up. Things they didn’t think were that big of a problem were becoming idols and consuming their lives when they didn’t do them. Plus some teens were searching for acceptance from others more than from God. I thought it was great!

Just wanted you to know one of our teens got saved last night. It was a great weekend.