What is a Revival Summit?
The REVIVAL Summit is a mission dedicated to personal, family, and corporate revival in the local church. We are not interested in "business as usual," but the "unusual business of revival!"
Our aim is to get the "roof off toward God" and the "walls down between each other." That's why REVIVAL Summits provide an interactive environment where believers can participate, rather than spectate. Preaching, worship, and various prayer and testimony opportunities allow God's people to open their hearts to the Lord and to each other. This OPENNESS leads to BROKENNESS, which in turn leads to ONENESS. When people reconnect with God, lives and relationships are transformed!
Preaching will focus on the essential building blocks of revival, which are understandable and applicable to all ages. These principles include:
- Proper view of God
- The Gospel
- Prayer
- Rorgiveness
- Restitution
- Home
- Pride/humility
- Obedience
- Victory in Christ
REVIVAL Summits typically run Sunday through Friday. Some pastors elect to start with a Sunday through Wednesday, which can be extended as the Lord directs.
Interested pastors can request more logistical and policy information by phone, e-mail, or in writing:
Phone: (540) 890-6100
Email: [email protected]
Christ Life Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 399
Vinton, VA 24179-0399
Pastors, looking for materials to aid in your preparation for an upcoming Revival Summit? CLICK HERE for more information