Free Resources
Here you will find many valuable resources that are completely free of charge.
Powerpoint/Social Media Graphics
- The Four Points of The Welsh Revival Main Slide (PNG)
- The Four Points of The Welsh Revival (PNG Zip File)
- The Model For Prayer (PDF)
- Quality Time Prayer Guide (PDF)
- How To Minister To Hurting People (PDF)
- The Power of Forgiveness Card (PDF)
- Heart Searching and Prayer for Revival (PDF)
- Spiritual CPR Prayer Guide (PDF)
- Pride - The Great Sin (PDF)
- P.U.S.H. Praying (PDF)
- How To Revitalize Your Prayer Meeting (PDF)
- The Believer's Autobiography (PDF)
- 1st Century vs. 21st Century Church (PDF)
- Revival-ready vs. Revival-resistant People (pdf)
- Revival-ready vs. Revival-proof Churches (pdf)
- Holy Club Questions by John Wesley (pdf)
- Dimensions in Prayer (pdf)
- Sweet Hour of Prayer (pdf)
- The Disciples' Prayer - An Hour With God (pdf)
- At Jesus' Feet Prayer Guide (pdf)
- The Secret Place of Prayer (pdf)
- The Jebez Prayer Guide (pdf booklet)
- Lord Teach Us to Pray (pdf)
- Praying With Others (pdf)
- The Great Sin by Harold Vaughan
- Undetected Spiritual Pride: One Cause Of Failure In Times Of Great Revival by Jonathan Edwards
The Duties Of Parents by J. C. Ryle
One of the most demanding (and rewarding) positions a person may find themselves in is that of a parent. Unfortunately, few prepare for this great responsibility, even though it is a major part of one's life. J.C. Ryle comes to our aid once again, with sound Biblical advice to aid in this daunting task.
Originally published in the 19th century, this short book contains 17 nuggets of wisdom for training children. You could easily read the entire book in a single evening. Or for those who are pressed for time, keep it handy, and read a chapter anytime you have a spare minute.
The principles which are outlined in this book are not quick fixes. Parenting is hard work, but if you will apply these principles which are mentioned, your children will be prepared for a lifetime.
The Hidden Life Of Prayer by David M. MacIntyre
The Hidden Life of Prayer, by David M. MacIntyre, is one of the classics on the subject of prayer. MacIntyre draws from Scripture, other devotional writers, and experience to encourage and equip the believer in this important exercise. It is one of the best books on prayer I have ever read. It contains many tremendous quotes that will inspire your soul. This small book contains a wealth of information that has deeply impacted, and fed, countless hungry hearts. - Harold Vaughan
Heartbeats of the Holy by Keith E. Knauss
What a movement that was when the blessed Holy Spirit, moved with infinite compassion, reached down and gathered up this sin-stricken world in His arms and brooded over it with unspeakable burden. The burden for a dying world has not passed away, it has been passed on, in a measure, to those who have felt the calling hand of God strong upon them.
- Keith E. Knauss
The Preacher and Prayer by E.M. Bounds
El Predicador y la Oración (Spanish Version)
We are constantly on a stretch, if not on a strain, to divise new methods, new plans, new organizations to advance the Church and secure enlargement and efficiency for the gospel. This trend of the day has a tendency to lose sight of the man or sink the man in the plan or organization. God's plan is to make much of the man, far more of him than of anything else. Men are God's method. The Church is looking for better methods; God is looking for better men.
- E.M. Bounds
Holiness by J.C Ryle
That faith in Christ is the root of all holiness - that the first step towards a holy life is to believe on Christ - that until we believe we have not a jot of holiness - that union with Christ by faith is the secret of both beginning to be holy and continuing holy - that the life that we live in the flesh we must live by the faith of the Son of God - that faith purifies the heart - that faith is the victory which overcomes the world – that by faith the elders obtained a good report - all these are truths which no well-instructed Christian will ever think of denying. But surely the Scriptures teach us that in following holiness the true Christian needs personal exertion and work as well as faith. - J.C. Ryle
Prayer by Ole Hallesby
“To pray is nothing more involved than to let Jesus into our needs. To pray is to give Jesus permission to employ His powers in the alleviation of our distress. To pray is to let Jesus glorify His name in the midst of our needs. The results of prayer are, therefore, not dependent upon the powers of the one who prays. His intense will, his fervent emotions, or his clear comprehension of what he is praying for are not the reasons why his prayers will be heard and answered. Nay, God be praised, the results of prayer are not dependent upon these things! To pray is nothing more involved than to open the door, giving Jesus access to our needs and permitting Him to exercise His own power in dealing with them.” –Ole Hallesby
"This book itself breathes the spirit of prayer...It is a book full of grace and mercy, jubilee and challenge. In it I sense Jesus inviting us to the adventure." -Richard J. Foster
Other Free Materials
Praying the Scripture: Psalm 119:1-12
Praying through the Scripture is an excellent way to commune with God. What better words could we choose to express to our Father than the very Words He has given to us. As you read the Word, God is speaking to you. When you pray, you are speaking to God.
Praying the Scripture: The Sermon on the Mount, Parts 1-3
The Psalmist prayed, “Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting” (Psalm 139:23-24). One of the most searching portions of God’s Word is the “Sermon on the Mount.” Allow God to search your heart as you...
Priorities of a Revival Ministry
Priority of Cleansing: "INWARD" Aspect of Revival: This is the time of heart-searching and brokenness before God as people deal with sin and self-centeredness to be filled with the fulness of God. (II Chron. 7:14; Ps. 41; Prov. 28:13; I Jn. 1:9) The time of heart-searching and brokenness before God over sin is implemented by the preaching and individual response for "personal revival." The prayer room and invitation provide opportunities to respond.