Revival Summit Resources

Revival Summit Resources

Dear Senior Pastor,

As You Prepare for a Revival Summit

The materials below are divided into four sections (1) Pray, (2) Plan, (3) Promote, (4) Resources. Each section is specifically designed for you as you lead in the spiritual and practical preparation for the upcoming Revival Summit. I trust these materials will assist you in delegating the details of the Summit to your people so that nothing will be lacking when the time arrives for the meetings.

As pastor, you must be physically, emotionally and spiritually prepared for whatever God wants to do in your midst! I think of the Apostles’ words, “It is not reason that we should leave the Word of God, and serve tables. Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business. But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word” (Acts 6:2-4).

Prayerfully consider postponing as many regular church activities as you feel feasible during the Summit. Your people must sense your priorities and understand your commitment to the Summit.

We have found it best for the weeknight meetings to begin at 7:00 p.m. if possible. Many times, people may want to stay after the services for a time of prayer and sharing.

Please carefully read all the materials in this portfolio. Unless otherwise stated, we assume the policies and guidelines are acceptable to you.

We look forward to working closely with you during the Summit. Feel free to contact me directly with any questions you may have (540-797-6251 cell).

Your Servant for Revival,

Harold Vaughan


Prayer is by far the most important aspect of the Revival Summit preparation

Prayer is a sure evidence of the presence of God as the rising of the thermometer is evidence of an increase in temperature. If God is near a church, it must pray. If He is not there, one of the first signs of His absence will be lethargy in prayer.
- Charles Spurgeon

All prayer should be believing prayer. Jesus said, “If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth” (Mark 9:23). You cannot lead others to pray unless you pray. Ask God to give you and your church the “Spirit of prayer.”

The next several pages include helpful information as you help the church prepare in prayer for the Revival Summit.

To assist you in praying for spiritual renewal in your life and church, consider this four week prayer preparation schedule. Each week will address a different aspect of praying for revival.

4 Weeks in Advance: General Church Prayer Times

Focus: Corporate Revival

Your church, as a whole, should be ready to gather and seek God for an outpouring of His Spirit. These general church prayer times should be seasons of honest prayer, brokenness and seeking God to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves. The Pastor and staff should lead in these times of worship and prayer as you seek the Lord for revival. You may want to post a calendar where people can sign up for a specific time of prayer with you personally for specific needs.

Here are some helpful suggestions to get the church praying:

  1. Personal Needs: Distribute 3”x 5” cards to everyone in the congregation and have them write:“What do I want God to do for me personally during the upcoming Revival Summit?”Have them write their answers on the card and collect them. No names should be written on the cards. These cards will help you and your people pinpoint exactly what they expect from God. They will also inform the pastoral staff how to pray for the various members of the congregation.
  2. Distribute books on prayer and revival among your people to cultivate interest and spiritual thirst. C.L.M. has many such books available for purchase [The Calvary Road by Roy Hession,Revival in Our Time: Outside the Box—Inside the Book! by Harold Vaughan, etc.].
  3. During this month of prayer preparation, we suggest that you begin fasting on a regular basis. Begin by fasting one meal at a set time, and replacing that time with Scripture reading and prayer. True revival is often preceded by fasting as well as prayer (Joel 2:12-14). If you begin with one meal, you will soon discover the ability to spend whole days fasting, with special prayer times as well.

Let me encourage you to set your heart to this matter of prayer preparation for revival. The Revival Summit should be the climax of a month spent seeking God’s facenot an isolated event on the church calendar.

3 Weeks in Advance: Group Prayer Times

Focus: Preparation for Revival

At this time, your people should begin praying as larger groups within the church. “Cottage” or household prayer meetings can be held at this time. Adjust your church calendar to accommodate times so that these meetings can be conducted.

During group prayer, there may be some sharing, but the main emphasis must be on prayer and meeting God. Duplicate and distribute the handout, “Heart Searching for Prayer, Preparation, and Personal Revival”. Some churches take an entire service and go through portions or the entire pamphlet. If this approach is taken, time should be provided for the people to pray through the items listed. This exercise is designed to not be just read—it is to be acted upon by responding in prayer. Another possibility is to have the ushers distribute them to the entire congregation on a Sunday morning. The possibilities are unlimited. Use whatever method you deem most beneficial, but do not fail to pray!

Suggested format for “Cottage” or group prayer meetings:

  • Greeting time
  • Call meeting to order promptly on time
  • One or two songs or choruses
  • Scripture reading (brief comment if necessary)
  • Sharing and requests (Consider having people “pray” their requests rather than sharing them.)
  • Prayer time (Can be done in groups, fours, etc. Don’t be afraid to diversify to keep interest level high.)

Tips for Leading Prayer Groups:

  • Form a circle and start out on your knees.
  • Keep prayer short and to the point (this helps others continue in agreement).
  • Do not sermonize!  Prayer is talking to God, not preaching to those around you.
  • Continue to ask God to work in our lives.

2 Weeks in Advance: Small Group Prayer Times

Focus: Intercession for Revival

And they continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles. … And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.
– Acts 2:42, 43, 46, 47

Entering into your third “Countdown week”, you should now begin praying with other believers, consider a group of 2-3. Many Bible verses and historical records bear witness to the power and blessing of agreeing with others in prayer. During set times, you should meet for prayer. These times should include the following:

  • Confession of faults and praying for one another (Ja. 5:16).
  • Bearing one another’s burdens, thus fulfilling the law of Christ (Gal. 6:2).
  • Encouraging and building one another in the faith (Heb. 10:25; Heb. 3:13).
  • Sharing testimony of what God is doing in your lives (Ps. 111:1,2).
  • Reading and memorizing Scripture relating to revival and prayer (Ps. 85:6,7; Hab. 3:1,2; Ps. 51; Ps. 79; Hos. 10:12, etc.).

This ministry of praying with one or more other people is very important and should begin immediately upon the third week of preparation. Praying with a partner serves to meet the need for accountability and encouragement.

1 Week in Advance: Individual Prayer Times

Focus: Personal Revival

During this week, be faithful in allowing God to speak to you. Do not neglect this personal time because the entire Revival Summit hinges on your faithfulness in this matter.

  1. During the week before the Revival Summit, the greatest emphasis should be on searching your own heart and asking God to do a new work in your life. Someone has rightly stated “Revival is God’s finger pointed right at me.” The video on “How to Have a Real Revival Prayer Meeting” is a presentation that is designed to be shown to groups that have met together for prayer. It can be shown on a Wednesday night, men’s meeting, youth group, ladies’ group, or a cottage prayer meeting. It provides an easy to follow format of Confession, Thanksgiving, and Requests. It is designed to be followed by an active time of prayer together–not merely viewed and forgotten. You are encouraged to make full use of this as you prepare yourselves in prayer. The presentation is approximately 29 minutes in length.
  2. Challenge your people to fast from television and recreational computer use this week.
  3. Prayer Marathon: You may wish to have an 18 or 24-hour Prayer Marathon by having people sign up for 30 minute segments. This could begin on Friday night and go through Saturday night. Do what your church can and will do, but PRAY!!


Scriptures to Consider: Isa. 58:6-8; Neh. 1:3-4; Ps. 69:10; Ps. 35:13

This biblical practice of fasting has been a means of blessing to God's people from Old Testament times to present day. One pastor implemented 21 days of fasting and prayer before the Summit. People signed up for the day[s] they desired. The blessing was so great that the pastor announced forty more days of fasting and prayer at the close of the meeting!

  1. Preach It! The Bible is full of examples when it comes to fasting. Study these passages: Isa. 58: 3-8; Mat. 6:16-18. Jesus expected all His followers would fast because He said "When ye fast", not “If ye fast.” The book God's Chosen Fast by Arthur Wallis is published by Christian Literature Crusade. This is a valuable tool which will help you prepare personally, mentally and practically.
  2. Plan it! After educating your people, it is imperative to develop a workable plan for your congregation. Maybe it will be one day every week for a month or two. Another possibility is a specific period (i.e. 14 days, 21 days, 40 days) in which people volunteer for days with the goal of having someone on the watchtower at all times. Extended fasts may be appropriate where people are fasting regularly. Seek God's mind and move as you are convinced you are moving according to God's will.
  3. Promote it! People must understand the principles and the plan before implementation. Queen Esther called the Jews to a 3-day fast. Announce your intentions and encourage people to participate. Be discreet if sign-up is necessary. Fasting is to the Lord and before the Lord. The only reason for signing up would be to insure all days are covered or to secure a general number of those participating. Names should be kept private. Sheep follow the shepherd and your enthusiasm will be contagious.
  4. Practice it! The final step is DO IT! Implement your plan. Trust God for great victories. It may be appropriate to have suitable public testimonies to exhort and encourage others. Watch God bless and seek God's face for a suitable plan of continuation. Your personal participation in this discipline is absolutely vital. You cannot lead your people farther than where you are yourself.

Prayer Room

Prayer Room (Optional)

Allow me to share with you an exciting and productive alternative to using the altar for those responding to invitations at the close of services. For years we have utilized the Prayer Room which gives those responding a quiet, neutral and private place to do business with God. This alleviates the pressure of time constraints and allows individuals to take their time in dealing thoroughly with God. The Prayer Room is a designated area where distractions are minimal.

A successful Prayer Room ministry requires preparation. Prayer Partners must be recruited and trained. We have a video for training Prayer Partners which outlines the objectives and procedures. This video, along with the accompanying handout, fully explains the Prayer Room ministry.

Additional Resources

You will be receiving a “Personal Revival Pack” prior to the Summit which includes numerous handouts and material to compliment your prayer preparation.


Essential Items Needed

  • Two Long Tables. Available for books, audio resources and free materials (in foyer).
  • Microphone. Apart from what is on the platform, have a standup microphone available in front of the platform on audience level for every service.
  • LCD (PowerPoint®) Projector. Several of Harold’s messages will utilize PowerPoint®.
  • Handouts
  • Heart Searching For Prayer Preparation (use before Summit begins!)
  • So Glad you Met God! by Ralph Sutera
  • Optional Prayer Room. Please have a supply of pencils/pens and Kleenex®. If the room[s] being used are uncarpeted, consider contacting a flooring company for carpet samples. This will help folks kneeling to pray.

What is the Schedule Like?

Sample Schedule:


  • Morning Service
  • Evening Service (Message/Testimonies/Prayer Time)

Monday-Wednesday 0r Monday-Friday

  • 7:00 pm Church-wide Service/Message


When distance permits, my wife and I come together and stay in our travel trailer. All that is needed is a water hookup and electricity. Our trailer requires a 30 or 50 amp R.V. hookup (see photo). The plug needs to be within 40 feet of the rear of the trailer. The electric breaker, appropriate wire, and R.V. plug can be obtained at an electrical store and should be installed by an electrician who understands R.V. electrical needs.

50 AMP Receptacle

30 AMP Receptacle

When I fly in, I need to stay in a “newer” hotel. Since I have chronic sinusitis, the room must be clean and free of dust and smoke. I have found that Marriott® brand hotels normally have the best air quality for my condition. Please, let me know in advance if hotel accommodations are not possible.


When bringing our travel trailer, we will take all our meals there. We would love to have Sunday lunch and perhaps some select meals with the pastor. Some churches elect to give funds for groceries during the Summit.

Policy of Extension

Since this is a revival ministry it is essential for churches to acquaint themselves with our scheduling procedure. We plan to be at your church during the designated time. However, if revival breaks out in a church prior to your meeting, please understand that the date for your Summit may have to be delayed. Our schedule belongs to the Lord and is subject to His direction. Keep your church calendar free to continue your Summit if necessary. We find that when revival comes there is often a need to extend the meeting. The final determination regarding extension of a meeting is made by the pastor.

Financial Information

Office and ministry expenses to run C.L.M. must be met. This includes office management, office building costs, printing, postage, phone, social security and numerous operating expenses. Equipment and vehicle purchases/upkeep are not provided by any church or other organization. Housing, taxes, insurance, utilities, maintenance and all other living costs must be paid. Benefits most pastors enjoy such as hospitalization, weekly salary, vacations, etc., are met through Summit offerings.

Summit Giving Philosophy

This is a faith ministry. Needs are not small, but no demands are made or guarantees asked. We minister to all sizes of churches throughout the year. Thus, there is never an offering too large considering the year-round needs. Every church needs to do its best! We do ask that the pastor and people remember that we are in revival work full-time, that we have no financial sponsoring, and that we rely on revival work for our total income and ministry operating expenses.

Suggested Financial Procedure

  1. Pre-Summit Finances: Expense money should be raised before the Summit. Expenses include travel, publicity, food, accommodations, etc. The sponsoring church is asked to all cover travel expenses prior to the meetings.
  2. Offerings during the Summit: For ministry needs and livelihood of team members. The pastor is responsible to take nightly offerings. Clarify nightly how checks should be written for income tax purposes. All checks should be written to the local church.
  3. Encourage people to pray and ask God what their part should be.
  4. The offering should be taken for Christ Life Ministries utilizing the envelopes we provide. The envelopes inform people about the offering and provide receipt information.


In an age of social media, instant messaging and 4GLTE mobile internet, letting people know about upcoming events has never been easier. Here are a few ideas as you advertise the meetings in your community.

  • Personal invitation cards Download available
  • Facebook® ads and posts
  • Twitter® announcements
  • Instagram
  • Blog postings
  • Bulletin inserts
  • PowerPoint® ads during services Download available
  • Local web bulletin boards
  • Radio public service announcements
  • Email marketing
  • Posters Download available
  • Church web site announcements
  • Community mailings
  • Color banners in church

Let your entire community know of the meetings several times, in a variety of different ways. Let your advertising grow. Climax on the day before the start of the Summit, and fade out advertisements mid way through the Summit. Keep track of the each avenue of advertising to avoid unintentional overlap.

Below are examples of ways to promote the meeting.

Biographical Sketch

HAROLD VAUGHAN: Harold is an evangelist who is involved in full-time revival ministry. His preaching ministry has taken him to forty-eight States and numerous foreign countries. Revival in individual lives and the corporate life of the church is the dominant burden of his heart.

Harold is the founder of Christ Life Ministries. C.L.M. sponsors Prayer Advances for Men, Ladies, Students, and Couples. The ministry also publishes books and materials.

Sample Advertisement for TV, Newspaper, Web Bulletin Board, etc.

Contact Person:



Run Date[s]:

(church name) Church will be hosting a Revival Summit.

“Personal Revival” will be the general theme of a special series of services presented at (church name) in (city) on (date) to (date).

Pastor (pastor’s name), and his membership have invited Harold Vaughan to be the principal speaker for the week. He will speak at (time) and (time) on Sunday, and at (time) each weekday evening through (date).

Having ministered in 48 states and numerous foreign countries, Harold’s dominant theme is that “revival is needed in the individual life and in the corporate life of the church today”. He emphasizes the victorious life that each believer can live. It has been noted that “a great hunger is stirred in the hearts of believers as Harold dynamically shares keen insights from the Word of God concerning the Spirit-filled life.”

There will be special music nightly during the Revival Summit. A nursery will be provided for small children. Children ages 4-9 will have a nightly Kids’ Krusade provided for them. Pastor (pastor’s name) and the congregation of (church name) extend a cordial invitation to the people of our area to attend as many of these special meetings as possible.

Sample Radio Announcement

Contact Person:



Run Date[s]:

If you long for hope and strength to carry you through today’s toughest problems, mark the week of (date) on your calendar when (name of church) will be hosting a Revival Summit with Harold Vaughan. Brother Vaughan will bring a series of challenging God-centered messages. If you are longing to experience the dynamic power of the Holy Spirit day by day then you owe it to yourself to attend this special Revival Summit. Please plan to hear Evangelist Harold Vaughan at (church), (location) (dates).


Promotional Photos

Vaughan Family Photos (9.5 MB ZIP)


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