What is a SMART Partner?
SMART is an acronym that stands for "Sustainably Monthly Aiding Revival Together".
Sustainably - Means we desire maximum effectiveness NOW and in the FUTURE!
Monthly - Means you are deciding to partner with us consistently in our mission.
Aiding - Refers to your decision to financially partner with us in our mission.
Revival - Is returning to the ‘normal’ christian life, and passionately following Christ!
Together - Together” speaks of partnering in Kingdom expansion through revival ministry,
SMART Partners desire to constantly and financially partner with us in our mission of "Promoting spiritual revival, renewal, and refreshment for individuals, pastors, and local churches." We want to see God's kingdom expand and His children experience a deeper relationship with Him.
Why become a SMART Partner?
Becoming a smart partner will allow us to strategically plan ahead as we accomplish our mission. We also want to minister by giving back to those who partner with us specifically and personally. We do this by offering additional and exclusive resources to help you in your Christian walk.
$0-25 monthly - Receives access to our CLM Subscription Box. A monthly release of unique video and written resources to help encourage and edify you in your Christian Walk.
$26-$50 monthly - Everything above and receive a free book annually.
$51-$250 monthly - Everything above plus receive a free apparel item annually and exclusive discounts at our resource store.
$250+ monthly - Everything above and one annual free Prayer Advance registration.
How can I become a SMART Partner?
- Use the giving widget below.
- Click "Give to" and choose "Smart Partner monthly giving"
- Select "frequency and choose "monthly" or whatever frequency you prefer.
- Then select "amount" and follow prompts.