MPA ’24 Event Hub

Welcome to the Mens's Prayer Advance

THE TIME IS NOW! And now is the time to open our hearts wide to the speaking voice of God. Many have prepared the “way of the Lord” with prayer and fasting.

I believe we will experience “Kingdom advance” as a result of this gathering. We are all desiring a fresh touch, but also lasting fruit from this Advance.

Let’s eliminate every distraction. Let’s respond immediately and completely to every prompting of the Spirit. Let’s deal honestly so there is nothing between our souls and the Savior—making every effort to put wrongs right. The Cross points in two directions; toward heaven but also toward our fellow man. Getting CLEAN through the blood and CLEAR with others prepares us for usefulness.

I’m thrilled you are here because... NOW IS THE TIME for a divine encounter.

  • Harold


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Breakout Session Info

MPA Documents

MPA '24 Video - "The Time Is Now"


Things To Know